Everlasting pencil turning instructions

Required items: 

  • 3/8” Drill bit 
  • Turning blank of at least 3/4”x3/4” x 4” long 
  • Everlasting pencil bushings 
  • finish and polish of choice. (Our vote is a combo of craft coat and magic juice if making out of wood) 
  • CA glue or 2 part Epoxy
  • barrel trimmer or sanding squaring jig 


1. Cut your blank to around 4” (use the tube for a reference when marking) 

2.Drill a 3/8 hole in your blank, glue in the tube, square up the ends of the blank to the tube once the glue is dry 

3. Using the bushings as a turning guid, turn the blank to your desired shape, sand and finish.

4. slide clip over end cap and press into one end of your blank (one end has the opening for the eraser to set it) 

5. Put the eraser in the one end, put the pencil nib holder in the other.

6. Write a love letter to your significant other to try it out!